Fox’s lawyer used the argument that no reasonable adult would believe what Fox was broadcasting. Which would work out fine if unreasonable adults weren’t allowed to vote.
Good Will has a whole kid’s section in every store. I had a cousin a year older than me growing up and never had a brand new coat until I bought it for myself. Don’t even remember being resentful about it— actually saved the shopping experience, which I didn’t enjoy, and I never cared about clothes anyway.
The Republicans in America want money to go to the rich rather than the middle class because they are beholden to them—the money to finance their campaigns comes from the rich. They tell the public that it will “trickle it down”, and everyone will benefit. Trickle down has never worked, as far as raising the standard of living, anywhere that it has been tried. And, it is completely illogical to believe that it ever could. If you are paying a guy to cut your lawn and he’s doing an adequate job, then you get a tax cut, do you raise his pay? Neither will the 1%ers. The only reason to spend more on hired help is that you need more workers to get the job done. The only way more workers will be needed is if there is an increased demand for product- in other words people are buying more stuff. The only reason people would be buying more stuff is that they can afford it. And, the only reason that more people can afford more is that they are the ones getting the tax cuts, not the rich guys. Trickle down just gives the rich guys more money to hide offshore, or more money to buy more politicians to write laws so they have more money to hide offshore. If you want that money to stay in America, increase production, and raise everyone’s standard of living, trickle UP will do the job, not trickle down.
Yeah, I know— but they aren’t slaves, just poorly paid workers who have no better choice. And, who do you think is making the stuff you buy that is American made- by American workers using parts from Asia.
He has the house, senate White House and Supreme Court. Of course, he actually is controlled by the Heritage Foundation. Read Project 2025. It isn’t a rumor.
I’m stocking up on anything that comes from Temu at half the price you pay here, before they have to start charging for the tariff Trump promised. Actually, you can get it all for about 75% of the regular store price at the Dollar Store or Walmart, but they just sell the stuff that you can buy from China, and they will have to raise prices to cover the tariff too.
Fox’s lawyer used the argument that no reasonable adult would believe what Fox was broadcasting. Which would work out fine if unreasonable adults weren’t allowed to vote.