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  1. about 7 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Poodle update: After an examination by our vet, she has no fever, but has lost quite a bit of weight. She may need to lose some teeth, the estimate was between 1 and 2 thousand dollars. She spotted what looked like a a greyish blister or ulcer on the roof of her mouth about the size of a dime by her left real molars. Furthermore, she said it does not look like any kind of cancer. More of a blister or ulcer, still wants a biopsy. She charged us 230 for Roy’s blood test, but hers will be double! She gave her all liquid meds as she hates pills, a Pro flora powder. Clavamox for 14 days and Gabba Gaaba Hey Pentin (sorry had to do that) for the pain. She is drinking and peeing. And will take Squeezles (our cute blanket term for Churu’s and the like).

  2. 1 day ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Clearly, and that that self-hate has turned into habitual, ritual, self-abuse by political proxy. But hey, at least you’ll, “Own those libs”

  3. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sophie is performing the hits from “Crash Dance”

  4. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, I live a few miles from there.

  5. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Roy is def better. He saw “Puddin Pop” (we call him that bc we think he is the father of Puddin’ a stray kitten we rescued late last year and was adopted by Barb’s ex) a local friendly (to me) feral who comes around a few times a week for pets and feeding. Roy is very jealous of him and started growling. Final proof, he is back to “normal” but still weaker and now lack night vision (Did he have a small stroke?). Poody has an appointment with our new (old) local vet at Sullivan County Animal Hospital Thursday afternoon. She seems OK with syringe feeding for the most part (puréed baby food meats) and is purring when I hold her. She has been sleeping on my dirty work clothes in a laundry basket. I feel terrible for her, that she is suffering.

  6. 3 days ago on Endtown

    Oooh! I would like to see that map!

  7. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Thanks, everyone. I’m still scraping cash together, will let you know if we need any help. :)

  8. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Poody managed a bit of water and food on her own this morning. I am still putting slurry in syringes and force feeding her at intervals.

  9. 5 days ago on Robbie and Bobby

    Drugs are quieter!

  10. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Well, Roy is much better, he is eating and drinking. He has some weakness in his limbs and his night vision is def shot as he ran into the closet door and then the partially open bedroom door. He is an old man, I have to accept that, as he seems to have done. Poody seemed indestructible, but she has followed suit, with potentially bankrupting Dental issues! It looks like a broken upper left canine, she won’t eat, or drink. So i started her on Zmax liquid to treat the fever and possible abscess. But I need to feed her, I tried liquid cat treats in the same syringe and had a tiny success. I know she is hungry and thirsty, but Roy broke the bank for us. I found a clinic in Montgomery NY that woks on a sliding scale, but it is still going to hurt.