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Kurt Schurenberg Premium

Recent Comments

  1. 24 days ago on Luann

    Not temporary enough. This story arc ran it’s course after one day. Now it’s the same joke over and over.

  2. 27 days ago on The Other Coast

    Yes, the American Way includes that “pour it down the drain”, as well as “Throw it away and it ceases to exist, especially when throwing it out of a car window.”

  3. 27 days ago on The Other Coast

    Not sure where you live, but Google has no idea what a Clean-Tip is. We have recycling centers near us, but what they take is limited to paper/cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, and motor oil.

  4. 30 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    You wonder if they voted in the primary. The primaries are generally voted in by the radicals of both parties, and we end up with losers, time after time.

  5. 3 months ago on Non Sequitur

    I can’t believe any politician of any party would not happily choose the door on the right. Surely they wouldn’t try again unless the coin flip indicated to “practice what you preach”. All politics is about forcing OTHER people to practice what you preach.

  6. 3 months ago on B.C.

    I wouldn’t trust our congressman to lay stones to build something together. I think they would prefer to throw stones or perhaps whack each other over the head directly.

  7. 3 months ago on Monty

    “public manure!”, “bad and evil”, “up yours”, “you are a perfect anu*”

  8. 9 months ago on Luann

    Not getting which doll Ox is supposed to be, unless as Tenax mentioned, it is Ollie Hardy. Presumably, then, Duh-Ollie Hardy, to make it conform.

  9. over 1 year ago on Michael Ramirez

    Funny that most of the comments here seem to blame Republicans (rightly) for their wasteful ways, but ignore the wasteful spending by Democrats. Wasteful spending is wasteful spending, no matter who does it. Cutting taxes without cutting spending is stupid. Spending “paid for” with taxes that will be “collected” at some future unspecified date is stupid. This whole “it’s okay if my team because your team ” is stupid and should be embarrassing. (No, I’m not a Republican, so save your character assassinations.)

  10. over 1 year ago on The Other Coast

    My wife used to ride behind me on the motorcycle and hold the dog between us.