High Priest of the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster
The special brownies?
All part of the foreplay.
They walked into a house inhabited by pancakes. Thus the sign on the window “House of Pancakes”.
Watch out for Rip Haywire
There are trolls everywhere.
Gee, should he go with the woman he has the hots for or clean gutters?
We adopted a pair of cats named Elvis and Presley. They only time they were at peace was sitting with me, one on each arm of my chair.
In the jungle wearing office attire? Something needs to eat him
I enjoy working on my cars even tho I can afford a mechanic. Changed a fuel injector in my daughter’s car a few months ago. Troubleshooting and figuring out how to do it was challenging.
Lots of tik tok videos of supposed perpetual motion machines. If you look carefully you can usually find the motor.
The special brownies?