I was 6 foot even when I graduated high school at a weight of 117 pounds. The community college required a semester of PE, but you had a wide range of choices. Someone suggested half jokingly that I take “Body Development” which consisted of pumping iron and running around the track. Of course I had to start out with “wus weights” but in 10 weeks I went from 117 to 125 pound all muscle and my mother complained that the grocery bull doubled. Over the years I gradually got up to 150 lbs nominal weight, but by watching what I eat at least it’s muscle.
Ditto. I dropped off my “mail in” ballot at the county election office (I don’t trust the post office) and I got an email that it has been received and ready to be counted come November. I don’t watch TV, but I stopped listening to commercial radio stations until the election is over.
I know one guy who had 3 phase power installed in his home. Said he needed it to run machine tools with 3 phase motors, but I wonder if he was really trying to build a time machine.
Alice fist of death