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Contessa Carrington Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 1 year ago on Luann

    When opportunity “KNOCKS at your door or RINGS your door bell” take the time to listen. Better times are ahead and an end to all of the distressing conditions such as the ones you mentioned will be gone for good.

  2. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Bring Jack back. His heart was just as big as his muscles.

  3. over 1 year ago on Luann

    I am sorry that you were disappointed with the directions that the stories took this summer. Please submit your thought provoking ideas to G & K or develop your own strip. I hope that what comes from the creator of this strip, this fall and winter, will be more to your liking.

  4. over 1 year ago on Luann

    If you feel that G & K are wasting your time, I am sure that you can find other more entertaining pursuits elsewhere.

  5. over 2 years ago on Luann

    Things don’t always have to make sense to be enjoyed.

  6. over 2 years ago on Luann

    If you always seek the negative, I am positive that your quest will not be in vain. Fungus grows in the dark. Step into the light of a brighter outlook and see how many flowers bloom in your garden of optimism.

  7. over 2 years ago on Luann

    Perhaps you could be happier, if you would look on the bright side. How often has this comic strip brought you smiles?

  8. about 4 years ago on Luann

    Sounds to me that Bernice needs a counselor, instead of becoming one.

  9. about 4 years ago on Luann

    You are always free to find another room. Due to the fact that you are overly vexed by this fictional situation, may I suggest a padded room?

  10. about 4 years ago on Luann

    Droll? You do realize that you are complaining about fictional characters. Perhaps creating your own comic strip this coming year would be more fulfilling for your, than critizing the work of others? I do hope that the rest of your day is more interesting that the beginning. You seem to be in need of a break.