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davemcn1 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 12 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    Ah he was just trying to teach the young pup how to be tough. unfortunately Poncho forgot to explain it to the younger pup.

  2. over 12 years ago on Grand Avenue

    What happens to a fish once you toss it back. Is it not injured could it not die anyway. Would you like to be caught by a hook tortured and pulled out of home only to be forced into a belly flop and end up in more pain. Why do people do this? Seems at some point you might as well eat the poor thing you already abused and tortured.

  3. almost 13 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    I think broiled fish is best. I know fish will be okay though. He she is ponchos common sense.

  4. about 13 years ago on Graffiti

    Where is Graffiti?

  5. about 13 years ago on Marmaduke

    @ nick the answer is an oncoming car. This man is not well suited to be a pet owner. Blaming the dog this strip just got really stupid to me.

  6. over 13 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    Why is Poo Poo always in the shits

  7. over 13 years ago on Graffiti

    I second that

  8. over 13 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    I can not start my day without Poncho. Thanks Paul. How is it Poncho is not in every paper in the U.S. That is just Unamerican…………………