Cats are NOT invasive. There are cat breeds (all naturally wild and some domesticated by humans) all over the world. Invasive means not indigenous to a region and introduced by artificial means. Truth be told, WE are invasive, introduced by artificial means (ships, migration, misfortune). I agree with domesticated cats being kept safely indoors, but not with the INVASIVE term. Another truth, dogs are also invasive, by your definition. So are cattle, horses, etc. But humans are the MOST invasive, because we can invade an area under our own power/decision. Any other species can not.
Blood drives can be held anywhere. I used to coordinate drives at the places I worked. Usually got a good turnout because many people wouldn’t go out of their way to donate, but when its at work AND they get cookies, we got a lot of new donors. They did become regulars, too!
Its a piece of cake. I had both hands done, not at the same time, but within a short gap. And it was worth it! No pain, just some itching as it healed. Minimal scarring. He will have to massage the scar as it heals to minimize internal scarring of the tissue which can impede movement, but even that was easy. And best of all, no more pain while doing all the things I love, and even those I didn’t (like going back to work! Lol!) He’ll be fine.
Cats are NOT invasive. There are cat breeds (all naturally wild and some domesticated by humans) all over the world. Invasive means not indigenous to a region and introduced by artificial means. Truth be told, WE are invasive, introduced by artificial means (ships, migration, misfortune). I agree with domesticated cats being kept safely indoors, but not with the INVASIVE term. Another truth, dogs are also invasive, by your definition. So are cattle, horses, etc. But humans are the MOST invasive, because we can invade an area under our own power/decision. Any other species can not.