Wearing a hat is not a problem for me. I was ecstatic when I left the Navy, knowing I didn’t have to get another “high and tight” for the rest of my life, and let my hair grow long. The catch: while my “flowing tresses” reach down to my shoulders, my receding hairline is has actually RETREATED to the backside of my head!! So… I can put on a hat and my hair doesn’t even KNOW it!!
While the concept of misplaced focus is humorous, there is actually an underlying moral to this strip: the Devil is in the details. While they may have sounded silly or inane, the instructions for properly filling in the ovals were necessary in order for the machinery (at the time) to function properly and successfully. “Attention to detail” was considered a life skill and impressed on us during Navy boot camp. Our company commanders had laid out explicit instructions for folding our underwear, along with some rock-solid rationale: How could we expect the Navy to trust us with millions of dollars worth of machinery and hardware if we can’t even follow simple steps to fold up our “scivvies”?
An eclair for me, please!!