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  1. 7 minutes ago on Luann

    My one SIL does not have kids yet. My other one and I do. Our kids are feral when they are together and can go wild, not really misbehaved just being kids. She says that hers will not act that way. They won’t be loud or run through the house or be wild. We all laugh.

  2. about 3 hours ago on Close to Home

    I would guess all the republican politicians who approved of that but fought student loan forgiveness would say that was ok. And I am not saying that democrats did not approve the bailout just that they did not then turn around and say screw the little man like the republicans did.

  3. 1 day ago on Close to Home

    So why is it ok for tax payers to bail out banks and big corporations but we can’t bail out our neighbors?

  4. 5 days ago on Bottom Liners

    Sorry if I was not clear. I was raised conservative. Now I am liberal.

  5. 5 days ago on Bottom Liners

    Yes but only Fox argued in court that no reasonable person would think they were telling the truth.

  6. 5 days ago on Speed Bump

    The democrats tried to fix the border. They even had a bipartisan deal for it. Then Trump ordered the republicans to reject it so as to not make Biden look good. You can’t refuse to fix something and then cry about it being broken.

  7. 5 days ago on Bottom Liners

    I can’t disagree. I grew up conservative Christian. We preached and taught about loving your fellow man. But never have I seen a group that is actually so hateful and selfish. The way they talked about immigrants, people of other religions, and LGBT is horrifying. I find it interesting that I think I am a better “Christian” now that I am an atheist than I ever was as a Christian. I am much more loving and accepting of my fellow man. I put myself in the shoes of others and care about them. I no longer think things like “go back to where you came from” or “speak English”. I don’t see an LGBT person and think they deserve to go to Hell. They deserve love. I think back to when my pastor suggested, post-9/11, killing every Muslim man, woman, and child and I am horrified that I just sat there. I’m sure the people I grew up with would say I am condoning sin and that I am going to Hell. But if Jesus exists and I ever stand before him I think he will approve. I think my beliefs now are more aligned with the teachings of Christ than they ever were as a believer.

  8. 6 days ago on Bottom Liners

    I feel like the not fair argument is simplistic and not really relevant. Recently my job started giving 6 weeks of paternity leave. I will never benefit from that. But I don’t begrudge those who will or say it is unfair. I have no student loans personally but I would not begrudge them being forgiven for those who do. You read stories of people paying and years later they owe more than they started with. The whole system is broken and unfair. I would support forgiveness quickly followed by doing something to actually fix the broken system.

  9. 6 days ago on Speed Bump

    And yet after spending untold money investigating, Republicans were not able to show where Joe Biden took one dime. Although we know Jared Kushner got 2 billion from Saudi Arabia.

  10. 6 days ago on Bottom Liners

    My wife has student loans. The thing that boggles my mind is that the interest on her federal loans is higher than for her private loans. I think taking that interest rate and lowering it or possibly even dropping it to 0 would make more sense. The government profits with an educated populace. No need to gouge people with higher than needed interest rates.