Opus swivel 2

Jacob Mattingly Free

Long time comic strip enthusiast. Writer of popculturebuffet.tumblr.com.

Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Accidently perfect timing, as Segura just got the job doing the next batch of star wars comics, following return of the jedi for the first time in this continuity. Good for him.

  2. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Jailbreaks, lionel richie refrences, what a time to be alive. Also glad this story is both reaching the climax it feels like and is in a more joyous mood. Don’t get me wrong, so far it’s been incredible… it’s just a lot wondering week to week if sophie’s going to get out of this nightmare okay, then gutter AND sophie. I mean I knew they would, but Georgia is a good enough writer for that to not be a forgone conclusion and unlike the war last year there wasn’t a solution in sight. I mean there HOW they’d win the war wasn’t, but beating Montague was the clear endgame, then wicket and montague when it became clear who the real final boss was. Here till now even with the heist HOW this all wraps up has been murky.

  3. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Go girl go! And then get the heck out of here… though I get the feeling her woman is going to be what they get instead of animal control. Mostly because i’m not 100% certain this town HAS traditional animal control given Tommy’s woman tends to be the one to show up when they would.

  4. 5 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    I like the subtle detail here.. Ellie’s being self righteous in panel 3 givinig her the old “we’ve been over this it’s not like you have a best friend who lives next door you could stay with i’m not explaning away due to lack of panel space” routine.. but she’s not wrong Liz and Mike can’t go two minutes without fighting. I mean they once got sent to camp soley because they couldn’t stop fighting and Mike stupidly broke a window after she locked him out rather than apologizing for starting it. While both are older and slightly more mature, it makes sense not to leave them alone to due battle with one another.

    Again though.. WHY Dawn isn’t an option dosent seem to have been explained. It’s fair if her parents don’t feel like taking care of another kid for the week and like I joked about, I get panel space is tight (Less tight than Lynn thinks in her commentaries, but still pretty tight especailly with the real world time scale), but as far as I can tell they never explained it. I even checked the book this arc is in. Just either explain that or have el tell her no. It takes one sentence you could add to another somewhere.

  5. 5 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Can confirm

  6. 5 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Accurate. Also dude he’s a jockish nerd: he had a girlfriend, based entirely on those interests while also doing sportsball. Even if your standards weren’t toxicly masculine nonsense, which they were.. he still fits the qualities on your bs checklist. I miss when Luke SR was plotting luke’s downfall while exercising in his private gym like he was the kingpin. Or trying to get Gil laid. You know the fun luke not the “sucks as a parent” luke.

  7. 5 days ago on JumpStart

    Okay didn’t expect Serenity Echo to be important again.. or for this "Crunchy retires’ storyline to last as long as it has. Have. .have we gotten ANYTHING about how captain ruiz feels about this? It feels VERY weird to have a storyline about her husband retiring then leaving town for at least a month thus far, yet she seems to really.. not care? I’m fine if say she’s fine with it and is fine with him figuring out things himself, it’d fit the character, but it’s weird for her to have.. no reaction to any of this whatsoever.

  8. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Oh he is and I like him, but like gil he’s respectful and patient. Luke…was essentially a high school coach who thought he was lex luthor. Dude showed up at a charity event to outlift gil. Kim is fine, I said as much in my first post. But this strip is a mildly goofy soap opera and gil himself is the most straitlaced man in existence. He needs that contrast. It’s why Luke becoming his sidekick and best friend works so well and why he needs a nemesis louder and pettier than him.

  9. 9 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Finally gil has a proper arch enemy again. I’m fine with Luke’s face turn as him being gils wacky best friend and wingman while genuinely trying to atone is great stuff, but I missed gil having an over the top arch enemy to coach against. Coach Kim isn’t a bad character but he’s too measured to make a good soap opera antagonist.

  10. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Good. And I have a feeling what they get for animal control…is Tommy’s woman. Or I pray it is. Please let this cat free