if you could spare a few thoughts or prayers that i get a good uninterrupted night of sleep tonight. i hadn’t slept since friday, the current sleeping bills are’nt working well at all and i can’t get different ones til early jan. i’m so very tired but just can’t seem to drift off to sleep. the dr wants me to go for another sleep study and i’m thinking about it.i don’t really want to ‘cause i tried the mask about 15 yrs ago and couldn’t sleep with it on. she said there are smaller ones now and implants too. (someone here said something about implants. too) thanks for listinening. i going to shut down now 11pm Sat. so hopefully i’ll see you all later.
i just found the Oxford Tearoom mysteries you recommended on kindle unlimited and all 13 are free. i just finished rereading Charlotte macleod’s professor Shandy of Balclave College and her other series with Sarah Kelling and Max Bittersohn in Boston. she’s also got a couple of series that may be under the pseudo of Alysia Craig . 1.Madoc and Janet Rhys and 2. grub and stakers.
sorry, i only watched a few shows with the original dr. the only reason i know is because of the comments when he first wore it in the 2016 Christmas special.
i do use a wireless mouse but would use the trackpad every now and then. since i’ve turned the TP off, i don’t seem to be having any more problems. also, thanks to everyone who calls it a track pad, i might not have found it in settings ’cause i always call it a touch pad.
if you could spare a few thoughts or prayers that i get a good uninterrupted night of sleep tonight. i hadn’t slept since friday, the current sleeping bills are’nt working well at all and i can’t get different ones til early jan. i’m so very tired but just can’t seem to drift off to sleep. the dr wants me to go for another sleep study and i’m thinking about it.i don’t really want to ‘cause i tried the mask about 15 yrs ago and couldn’t sleep with it on. she said there are smaller ones now and implants too. (someone here said something about implants. too) thanks for listinening. i going to shut down now 11pm Sat. so hopefully i’ll see you all later.