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  1. about 13 hours ago on Get Fuzzy

    A Hamlet is a Western Omelet without the veggies.

  2. 2 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Most jounalists these days aren’t really journalists at all. They are just talking heads spouting the nonsence that their viewers want to hear no matter if it is the truth or not.

  3. 5 days ago on Jane's World

    Has he not seen any of the girls Jane has dated. She is a hot chick magnet, she just tends to mess things up.

  4. 5 days ago on Baby Blues

    Looks like Hammy has a Charlie Brown shirt in his closet. The color isn’t right, but it has the zig zag pattern around it.

  5. 12 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    But Satchel stated it as a question with a hurt tone not as a snappy comeback.

  6. 16 days ago on JumpStart

    Too late. The life-sized version of Table Tennis is called Tennis.

  7. 16 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    I thought speaking Naughty was saying things like Clovis Hitch, Square Knot, Bowline, Slip Knot….

  8. 18 days ago on Grand Avenue

    Actually probably more interesting than most people.

  9. 18 days ago on Grand Avenue

    So you only watch spiders?

  10. 19 days ago on JumpStart

    That was my thought. Recovered stolen property should go back to the original owner and the person that has said property (assuming it is not the thief) is SOL.