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- over 10 years ago on Luann
over 10 years ago
on Luann
Years ago? So, three years ago, when Tiff was a mere 14, her life should have already had some direction? Seems to me that she had more direction than the rest of the cast with her Hollywood aspirations. Maybe her dream wasn’t realized, yet, but at least she was chasing it. Phelps seems mean here, and she thinks more of herself than anybody in this strip up that isn’t Tiffany. I, for one, am hoping that she doesn’t retire and hook up at Mooney U as a contract counselor or something.
almost 11 years ago
on Luann
I believe, with this group of seniors, that aside from maybe Tiff, they are happy for Mr. Fogarty. Keep in mind that these are characters and they are often created from a “group mentality” perspective. Almost all of us have a teacher like Mr. Fogarty in our past, and despite the things that we found odd about him, we more often than not remember our time with him with fondness.
over 11 years ago
on Luann
Tiff has been growing up for quite some time now. It seemed to start when Quill set her straight. But you look at her interactions with Ox a few months ago, she was polite and friendly to him. Cheerleaders like Tiff usually don’t have the time of day for big dopey kids, yet she let him put her on his shoulders in the pool. It has been a fun year so far watching these characters evolve. The only thing I find hard to believe is TJ wanting to give up the cooking in his business. Doesn’t take sense. He is smart enough to know that Quill won’t do it as well as he did and his business will suffer because of it. Plus, cooking is TJ’s passion. That arc is unbelievable to me, having followed TJ’s character for so long.
over 11 years ago
on Frazz
So it is a phonetic palindrome ….
over 11 years ago
on Frazz
If you take both the first name and the second name together, it gets very close. The Y and the I sound being similar.
over 11 years ago
on Frazz
I have seen some comments in the past about Mrs. Olsen being “mean” and not liking the kids. While this story line has softened that part of her, to me, there was never any doubt that she loved these kids. I think her image is partly due to the kids perception of her, and I think Jef writes that into her character. As a child I had several “Mrs. Olsen” type teachers, some of whom I grew up to know as an adult. I learned that they were completely different, loving people, and it was great to reminisce with them. I think all the characters of this strip are brilliant, but Mrs. Olsen is one of my favorites!
over 11 years ago
on Luann
This has probably already been mentioned over the past couple weeks, but I truly believe that this is Luann’s last year of school. Evans probably has some other ideas, and has been encouraged by the response to the more mature Brad/Toni relationship that he will want similar story lines for Luann. Like, off to college, for example. He has so many different ways he can take these lives, think he wants to do so. There is also a gut feeling like there may be an ultimate tragedy in this strip in the future, i.e. a death. It is my biggest concern about the Brad/Toni relationship, given that both are firefighters.
over 11 years ago
on Luann
The Tiffany I k ow would never get on Ox’s shoulders and secondly would not be having such a cordial conversation with Rosa. I think her moment with Quill, and subsequent loss to Luann, at drama camp maybe made her realize that she was a bit too self centered and she has committed to change. Even yesterday she was polite to Ox and looked him in the eye as he spoke with her. Tiffany often speaks while staring off into the distance.
almost 12 years ago
on Luann
The piece of paper goes from being partially inside the Manila envelope to completely outside…
I sometimes find Greg’s work unbelievable. As in, not believable. No way on God’s green earth do two kids as intelligent as Rosa and Gunther get all the way to a foreign country without knowing what they will be doing? What are we to believe here? That Rosa or Gunther never asked any questions? That Rosa’s parents never sat her down and told her what to expect? That she never talked with this “uncle” and is completely clueless about who he is and what he does, yet, she still gets on an airplane based on only an assumption? Greg has great characters and several great story lines going that can carry him for years, but he needs to keep it real. This thread has simply just gone silly and therefore no longer interesting to me.