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Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Luann

    The old “Fickle Finger of Fate.” :-)

  2. about 8 hours ago on Luann


    After all, nobody got PUNCHED yet.

  3. about 8 hours ago on Luann


    Or better yet, hook Lu up with Les. ;-)

  4. about 8 hours ago on Luann


    Some “folks”are ALWAYS easily “offended.”

    And the Perpetually Offended are Always the LOUDEST.. ;-)

  5. about 8 hours ago on Luann


    We DON’T want to evolve Stef into an All-Poweful Star Child.

  6. about 8 hours ago on Luann

    For a second there I thought Tiff had pulled a ‘Bets’ and whipped out her smartphone to record Stef’s laughable tantrum for all the World to see.

    Then I took a second look……..,

  7. about 14 hours ago on Luann

    Unfortunately, NO.

    But the Dorm/Quad is going to be a VERY Tense place from here on out.

    Not even Dez, the “Dove of Peace” is NOT going to be able to defuse it.

  8. about 14 hours ago on Luann


    Well despite Tiffany’s “encouragement,” I don’t think there’s going to be a whole lot “shooging” going on between Kip and Stef for the foreseeable future.


    Where’s Bets? ;-)

  9. about 15 hours ago on Luann


    As I hoped yesterday, Tiffany DID give Stef a smirk! And whole lot MORE!

    What’s your “problem” Steffie-Po?

    Tiff just indicated that YOU are Number One!

    Now to sit back, relax, and enjoy the indignant “Well that’s not ladylike!” complaints. ;-)

  10. about 20 hours ago on Luann

    You know? I’d like to see Stef pull that crap on someone like Tara…..,