I’ve been using battery powered leaf blowers for at least a decade. no fumes, but still noisy.
Looks like spring came early.
William may start singing “He Bangs.”
We appreciate you too, bud!
I particularly like the artwork in that that first panel. Nicely done, Mr. Thompson!
It’s well known for using “Ka-” a lot. Like Ka-pow! That sort of thing. If you look at the comic from the 21st, there’s two uses in that one comic.
I just get up and put my cat in the warm spot that I was sitting. She usually just curls up and waits for me to come back.
I read that to the tune of “Send In the Clowns.”
Almost thought I was reading Rip Haywire for a minute there.
Love the snow globe, Mr. Cho.
I’ve been using battery powered leaf blowers for at least a decade. no fumes, but still noisy.