Gocomic 2c

RickD Premium

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  1. 1 day ago on Endtown

    When Duffy made a simplified sketch that showed where Eden had been relative to the other dimensions (strip 07/03/2019); he says “you can’t move a reality bubble without dragging all the parallel realities with it”. It appears that this group has returned to their original reality—the same one that Endtown is set in. But when this bubble snapped back, it seems to have pulled along objects from other realities. A map shows the supercontinents remained togther up to present day-at least in the reality that boat came from. All the buildings, boats, and other flotsam probably got pulled in as Eden passed back through the various realities. With entire buildings and ocean liners appearing here I wonder: where did the people inside them go? If these objects were snatched along the way when Eden snapped back, then people would have been in them. The should be some sign of people, (or remains if they didn’t survive).

  2. 8 days ago on Endtown

    I found this paper “The Marine Vessel’s Electrical Power System: From its Birth to Present Day” published in 2015. I haven’t read it all the way through yet, but figured you @Cartoonist_Key and @eddi-TBH might find it interesting. The first ship with an electrical lighting system was the S.S. Columbia in 1880, followed by U.S.S. Trenton in 1883. I know Mr. Neathery has an interest in alternative/obsolete technologies ( for example: Chic was given a wire recorder when “ghost hunting”); so any kind of tech could show up here. I’m off to read further about ship wiring.

  3. 11 days ago on Endtown

    Also, feel free to tear apart this opinion. The “reflection” may not be that, or could be reflections of the cliff. I’m just guessing.

  4. 11 days ago on Endtown

    This is how it seems to me: a) Wally and Co. pop out the hole as Eden finished collapsing. This was on Top of the cliff (01/27/2024); b) Things started falling from the sky. Wally tells them to head for the beach (he ends up jumping into debris) (02/03/2024). c) Wally (inside a couch after his debris odyssey). Reconnects with Terrance and all, on the beach-at the base of a cliff. (03/22/2024) d) White light dumps the Wally Crew with the Eden survivors somewhere else on the beach (04/14/2024). e) Today, they’ve climbed back up to the top of the cliff, which is where all the debris is visible. The first panel from today shows them walking away from the reflected breakers on the shore, and up an incline to the top (the line is the cliff seen from the top). At least, that’s how it looks to me. Your mileage may vary.

  5. 19 days ago on Endtown

    Knowing her fate, Eden sent out ships to a corner of the Earth. On board were the twelve; The Technician, The Engineer, The Child, The Mother, The Bug, and the other so-called Survivors of The SNAP. And as the elders of our time choose to remain blind; let us rejoice and let us sing and dance, and ring in the new! Hail, Atlant—er, Eden!

  6. 19 days ago on Endtown

    Kirbee must be so happy holding her Wally aloft. :-)

  7. 23 days ago on Endtown

    Some folks did a bit of preliminary work for at least one animated Endtown project some years ago (2012?). I recall seeing rough character sketches, some proof images, and even character model sheets-drawn by Mr. Neathery(!)-somewhere online.

  8. 26 days ago on Endtown

    Is the first part of their task-the reason Terrance and the group were placed into the dimensional twisty place-successful? The multiverse is no longer in danger of collapsing like a house of cards when Eden’s pocket existence collapsed? Has Stability between the planes been established?

  9. 28 days ago on Endtown

    Wow! That’s a lot of reading! Quite a journey, wasn’t it?

  10. about 1 month ago on Endtown

    ♫ Green Acres is the place for me, farm livin’ is the life for me! Land spreadin’ out so far and wide! Keep ol’ Eden just give me that countryside. ♫