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  1. about 21 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Settling for too little? Well, Roz keeps babysitting Calvin — that proves she’s witless…

  2. about 21 hours ago on Bloom County

    I think there’s a name for soliciting women to join all-male ensembles.

  3. about 21 hours ago on That is Priceless

    Want to handle my putter, Ma’am?

  4. about 21 hours ago on Bliss

    As I age – contemplative; at times melancholic; often filled with gratitude, but rarely depressing.

  5. about 21 hours ago on Over the Hedge

    Going back a few days to our previous thoughts on fact v opinion, you’re illustrating my point. The historical and current autocrats you name are fact. Their tenures are the factual kernals around which your opinion (prognostication) about Trump formed. I do not share the widespread opinion that Trump is a megalomaniac nor the belief/opinion that his election – if it occurs – would inevitably produce a fascistic disaster. No, my opinion of him remains ‘tactless, boisterous buffoon’ whose often abrasive style makes him a poor choice for POTUS.

  6. 1 day ago on Over the Hedge

    LOL; well, your first paragraph is correct; LOL again. The next is an allusion to The Apprentice, and many agree. The third [“Vote !!”] brought me full circle to my assertion that this election is between the a tactless, boisterous, buffoon candidate VERSUS the other, who is vacuous and demonstrably inept… but I did vote, and encourage all eligible voters to do so as well. Peace be with you, SrTechWriter — you are one of the few serious and civil commenters out there. I actually enjoy our exchanges.

  7. 2 days ago on Over the Hedge

    It’s handy, but only partially, when Kamala trys to answer on-air questions.

  8. 2 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Sigh. It’s SO hard for a 6 y.o. to get even a glimpse of a solid T&A flick.

  9. 2 days ago on Prickly City

    Golly, Wikipedia claims Prickly City is “…frequently politically oriented with a conservative point-of-view”; Carmen is conservative / Republican, and Winslow is liberal. But it seems to me that lately both characters are Democrat shills.

  10. 2 days ago on Bloom County

    “Skewered”? Did you mean “skewed”?