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  1. 23 days ago on Rob Rogers

    But then L Cheney would have to arrest her father as well. Getting the lot of them wouldn’t be a bad thing.

  2. 24 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    i disagree with mr ramirez on pretty much everything and feel that his misinformation and previous support of Trump has contributed to the problem, but must say it is nice to some shred of rationality from him.

  3. 24 days ago on Jen Sorensen

    if Trump wins, i’m sure republicans would be happy to expand the court. what we need are term limits for judges. 10 years seems more than enough.

  4. 24 days ago on Rob Rogers

    not only would Trump use it, he’s said that he will, and he’s now already used it. And what legal gymnastics makes overturning an elections part of his official duties?I kind of hope, sort of but not really, the Biden administration uses it – steal the election (for real this time) and just put Trump in prison, or do what Trump’s lawyer suggested a President can do.

  5. 24 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Please. No Republican is going to go after Biden for giving weapons to Israel. Republicans are only upset he hasn’t been more aggressively genocidal against the Palestinians.

  6. 25 days ago on La Cucaracha

    i loved the daily show episode where colbert was interviewing a u.s. rep that wanted to require the 10 commandments in classrooms, claiming how important and fundamental they are. then colbert asked him to list all 10. the rep got about 3 of them. absolute hypocrites, liars, and theocrats/fascists.

  7. 25 days ago on Rob Rogers

    what has Biden done where this would benefit him?

  8. 25 days ago on Rob Rogers

    shameful ruling. just utter collapse of democracy and elimination of accountability. the extreme right wing justices are partisan hacks. I can’t imagine they’d rule the same way for a democrat.

  9. about 2 months ago on The Other Coast

    not at all. my point is that people that criticize windmills for killing birds seem disingenuous in their concern for birds and just want to find a way to criticize any form of renewable energy.

  10. about 2 months ago on The Other Coast

    tall buildings kill lots of birds. and general habit destructions kills birds and other animals. fossil fuel pollution kills birds and other animals.