For crying out loud. Are ALL of the women in this strip fools?? He trusts Bernice, and she can’t even for a second just BE the person he thinks she is? She can’t for a second be the mature, level-headed Bernice that we’ve seen in the past, that she KNOWS he needs?? She has to be a fool, despite what he just told her about how he feels and what he needs. Fine. Jeeze.
As for Hobbes being “live”, I think in the instances cited it was because the others in the panel were not looking at him. At least that’s what’s consistent about those times.
For crying out loud. Are ALL of the women in this strip fools?? He trusts Bernice, and she can’t even for a second just BE the person he thinks she is? She can’t for a second be the mature, level-headed Bernice that we’ve seen in the past, that she KNOWS he needs?? She has to be a fool, despite what he just told her about how he feels and what he needs. Fine. Jeeze.