You got flagged enough times to be suspended for that?! Did you actually do anything to violate the terms of use, or was it just from being flagged because others disagreed with you? Of course, I have no say in the matter, but I think if someone’s comment is repeatedly flagged, but doesn’t violate the terms of use, the comment should be suspended, not the commentator (a-hem!) With the comments you and I have shared, it’s difficult for me to believe that you were being inappropriately rude.
In case you didn’t find out, it’s primarily because the Kelvin scale was developed long after Celsius and Fahrenheit were already commonly used. There was no need to replace C nor F with K for common usage. K is important when discussing thermodynamics, gases, atomic theory, etc. However, there’s no added benefit of using K in routine meteorology, since the conversion for C to K is simply adding 273.15. Hope that helps!
I have always enjoyed etymology (I was not sure how to explain the word, so I looked it up in German, and it is Etymologie! :D ), so learning “glibbery” was fun for me.
I do live in the US. However, when I was a little girl in the ‘80s and ’90s, British comedy shows were often shown on the Public Broadcasting Stations. (I am not sure how television channels and programs are operated in Germany. In the US, we have a few tv channels which are free to watch, but are supported by commercial advertisements. There is one channel which is free to watch, and has no commercials. It is supported by government money, and donations from charitable foundations and the public. Almost all of the shows on this channel are educational (Sesamstraße!), but some of the shows are from the BBC in England.) Because I watched some of the British shows, I learned some words and phrases that are British. I sometimes pronounce a word with a British English accent, but I don’t spell any words the way they do! US: theater, UK: theatre. US: color, UK: colour. For the color “grau”, there are two spellings, grey, and gray. I don’t remember which one is preferred in which area. I have used both words. :D
Is that the one who ended up as mock turtle soup?