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  1. 2 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Trump didn’t try to throw Hillary in jail for paying for the bogus dossier, which Obama and the ‘Looming Doofus’ Comey used to spy on him through FISA. If Trump doesn’t get immunity then Republicans can go after Obama for drone striking American citizen terrorists. EQUAL justice!

  2. 2 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    That is what impeachment is for. They can be thrown out of office for official duty “crimes” if the Senate and House are controlled by the other party. They can’t be thrown in jail through impeachment.

  3. 8 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    The media and “intelligence experts” lied about Hunter’s laptop, which DID contain all the evidence of influence peddling needed to investigate ordinary citizen Joe Biden. This same media falsely claimed Trump colluded with Russia [and some STILL claimed it after Mueller and 13 rabid Democrats couldn’t find any evidence in 2 years.] They [of course] ignored the DNC and Hillary’s paying a Russian spy to produce the fake dossier on Trump. Just like ‘looming doofus’ Comey excused Hillary’s mishandling of classified material [which she DIDN’T have a legal right to put on a private server and private electronic devices!] Joe Biden DIDN’T have the legal right to obtain and KEEP classified documents as a Senator and Vice President, [and everyone SHOULD know he had classified documents in his garage and elsewhere] but “poor memory Joe” won’t be charged with anything after he hopefully gets voted OUT! The USA and the World would be a much safer place if the media and “intel officials” [and the FBI] had NOT colluded to help Joe get elected!

  4. 13 days ago on Chip Bok

    Conservative cartoonists are able to show reality, while Trump has the illegal leftist Democrat gag order STILL in effect! I don’t know what leftists see on Democrat media since I haven’t watched those lying slimeballs repeat Hillary’s BS dossier lies, endlessly! If so many tens of millions STILL want to vote for Biden, the leftist media must not show the many instances of dementia Joe suffers from that I’ve seen on YouTube. If anyone HASN’T noticed the prices going UP, or the millions of illegals Joe ALLOWED in, or the state of the World, since Joe took over, THEY might be suffering from dementia too!

  5. 13 days ago on Chip Bok

    Exact reality!

  6. 14 days ago on Gary Varvel

    One and a half MILLION LEGAL immigrants yearly is PLENTY!

  7. 14 days ago on Gary Varvel

    EXTRA murders is NOTHING? Why would you say that?

  8. 14 days ago on Gary Varvel

    The illegals WEREN’T supposed to BE here. There are PLENTY of U.S. citizen thugs and murderers without importing MORE!

  9. 21 days ago on Henry Payne

    That IS similar to what they DID before the 2020 election; I don’t think they will try it again, but anyone that voted for Joe, DIDN’T know Joe Biden was suffering from dementia in 2020, because their sources of news [Democrat mainstream media] DIDN’T show his attempts at speaking!

  10. 23 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    I’m sure Ramirez DOES know that Trump DOESN’T drink alcohol. AND he knows Trump’s “conviction” on bogus “felony” charges generated by the corrupt New York AG and the corrupt DA [they are both worth millions] from expired possible misdemeanors and delivered by the corrupt Judge and rabid Democrat jury, AREN’T the same as REAL felonies done by Hunter! I’m expecting Hunter to get probation and Trump to get jail time [before his conviction is OVERTURNED.]