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Healing for Breezy and Hazy will begin with pancakes. Pancakes can fix anything.
I, for one, continue to hold out hope that this will all be resolved by a sharp-chinned man in a giant rooster costume.
This could all be resolved by a man in a rooster costume. A man such as . . . The Bantam!! It makes as much sense as anything else in this strip lately.
Stop it, Rover! The stench of my iniquity cannot be cleansed without suffering!
“Not Again!” Sounds like something a bowl of petunias would say.
Need to go deep undercover? This looks like a job for . . . The Bantam! Nobody would suspect a thing.
Hazy has been drinking an awful lot of root beer floats. Barfing is sure to happen soon.
This calls for a square-jawed hero in a rooster costume: The Bantam!
A helicopter needs a pilot, like . . . Breezy?
The time is ripe for another catpocalypse.
Healing for Breezy and Hazy will begin with pancakes. Pancakes can fix anything.