I told my wife over fifty years ago when she asked should she buy something “if there is money in the account buy it ,if not don’t buy it” that has seemed to work for us.
my well meaning in-laws offered us a all paid vacation to the east coast to see family, I turned them down, I told them I liked them too much and didn’t want that to change
they blast your ears with the music then turn the dialogue so low you numb ears can’t hear it and no CC ,sorry the convenience and comfort from my chair is WAY more fun, this is just the view from a old guy
In 1969 I hired out as a switchman in the yards and they had a wall of pigeon holes for the IBM cards, a box for each track and to keep it accurate we had hundreds of clerks ,by the time I retired 42 years later we had 1 clerk in the yards
I used to tell my wife “you are wasting a perfectly good fit because I don’t have a clue” We have now been married over fifty years and passed all that nonsense
I told my wife over fifty years ago when she asked should she buy something “if there is money in the account buy it ,if not don’t buy it” that has seemed to work for us.