You missed the point. Why close my wife’s salon down for almost a year while Lowes, target, home depot sells fertilizer, bird food, and every other thing out of the garden area – really important. Oh the one thing I remembered at target grocery section was about 4 pallets of beer in the main aisle.
What I remember about the 2020 covid (Chinese virus) was our governor here in NC closing up businesses, my wife’s hair salon being one of them. I needed to replace a light switch so went to home depot and of course being an important business to be open, I got the switch and waited in line with all the shoppers buying fertilizer and plants. they must have been storing it up for after the epidemic was over. Worse governor NC has had.
I had a barn cat that would not come in the house or eat any cat food I would give her. I had her for over 10 years and then gave her to my mother when I moved and she lived in luxury for another 5 years. But, since I did not feed her, she was in great shape and passed every yearly visit to the vet. There was a dead end road past my house with high grass besides it. She would sit on the road by the tall grass waiting for a field mouse to come by. Field mice are almost twice the size of a house mouse. Anyway, I was sitting outside enjoying the sun and she walks up mewing dragging a huge field mouse in her mouth. She then sat in front of me and ate the whole thing.
Hey Rover, raising one leg to pee is nothing. My female Jack Russell Terroir would raise both back legs and stand on her front legs to pee while walking forward.
I has a small coast house rv for a while. I got a blue tarp that would cover it. But if you use your van often, then your idea is best. Does the tree have any branches that cross your property line. If so, you can have them removed all the way to the top. The neighbor might not like it, but you have rights to do that.
I live near Raleigh and have a wooded lot with lots of maples, oaks, pines, and popular trees. It has been raining leaves and pine needles for over a month with no stop in sight. Usually around Thanksgiving it stops. But daily leaf blowing off the decks and driveway.
Im glad I had a Jack Russell Terrier instead of a German Shepherd or Lab. Poops about the size of small tootsie rolls.