
Nachikethass Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Ziggy

    You win!

  2. 9 days ago on Frazz

    Modern democracy.

  3. 23 days ago on Rose is Rose

    Innnner Peeeeace…”!

  4. 24 days ago on Free Range

    I had intended not to continue this dialogue – but have to thank you for ending on a civil note. I taught for over 10 years, quit after seeing things I couldn’t forget. I worked in internet news content before it became so ubiquitous – same result. Now I do strictly non-emotional content writing and editing. I have too much on my other interactions to let my work too flood my heart with darkness.

    I wish people would stop looking at the “news” and celebrity pronouncements and go a little deeper into what real life is. Step out, ask questions, give a hand. Don’t let semantics bar you from the truth.

    Also, be careful to keep a distance – or it will kill you from the inside… Human beings are not as refined a species as we would like to imagine.

    You too, do have a wonderful day and life. Peace.

  5. 25 days ago on Free Range

    I am sorry about your birth legacy. I have seen more parentless babies than I would care to count.

    I am not angry or hate-filled. I also realise you are not being contrary. As for a police report, I still do not think you realise the circumstances in undeveloped or closed-up communities in this world. I am an Indian and I live in a different world than you in the west.

    I work also with a community of transgendered females to transition them from a degraded life of begging – have been working on it from 2009. We have a tradition of recognising the community – while using that recognition to marginalise them. That is the culture I have been working against. It is not the transgenders who sre the perpetrators – they are also victims. Even here, even 25 years ago, I have come across stinky drunk men dressed in sarees who cruised the streets as “hijras” to make money and harass people. This has now become easier with the self-declared genderisation now advocated.

    The reason I was forced to comment the way I did in the first place was frustration after I communicated with a potential collaborator from UK who was very “educative” of the “realities” of genderisation. Please spare me the spiel. If we cannot let women occupy the minimal space that we have created for them after centuries of struggle, it will be taken away by men again. All religions, laws and social mores are hardwired to rob women of their rights and needs. To even remove linguistic barriers to open them up to more atrocity is reprehensible.

    In my real life outside GoComics, I have written and worked on the rationalisation of this unacceptable trend of eclipsing of the Woman. I do not need to nor intend to take this conversation further. It was my mistake that I let my frustration spill on to this forum. I apologise for that.

  6. 25 days ago on Frazz

    These two days of the strip hits home a bit too close…

  7. 25 days ago on Free Range

    You obviously have not been very attentive to the narrative of the last 10 years at least. As a feminist, I am now barred from using the term exclusively for the actual birth gender. Anyone can be a man or woman nowadays according to many laws and when it takes away from the rights of women in general, it hurts. I work with disadvantaged women who have been through traumatic experiences and when a male who claims to be a woman is introduced into the environment, and claims to also prefer the same gender as partners, you don’t seem to understand the fear that it introduces. Have you seen a teenaged girl who runs out of a public restroom half-naked, scared wordless because there is a “woman” with an erection in the restroom?

    And don’t tell me these are exceptions – it is becoming more prevalent and the genuine misgendered are also beind disadvantaged along with women. Even one case is one too many. You will not understand in your coccoon of outraged righteousness that it is a reality that “humans who menstruate”, as you would term them, face increasingly everywhere.

  8. 26 days ago on Free Range

    The (presumably) animal bones behind the woman?

    (Can I say woman nowadays?)

  9. 28 days ago on Frazz

    The best reason is more or less “central” to male physicality!

  10. 28 days ago on Cornered

    Hi, Achmed!