good heavens, I hope they can help you! Purrs for healing!
It’s frequently a shock to parents, to realize this . . .
No matter how much money he has.
Yeah, that has to have been “Chekhov’s Kibble?”.
I’d also like to see what effect this romance has on Sophie and Gutter . . . maybe they’ll meet later, in her window, to discuss the story.
Maybe it will cause him to look for more friendships and positive relationships. Oh, wait, what am I saying . . .
So sorry to hear this, but hopefully the level of care will help him heal. Purrs ongoing to you and he both!
I saw these. And now I’m very glad my indoor-only wussy-cats eat only canned, and kibble. (Luna won’t even eat freeze-dried minnows—she says they’re not food-shaped!)
When these eventually come out in a book, I’m sure there will be some clothes for puppets in the back!
Oh, heavens, yes. I love Stardock’s Windowblinds, and their Start11 programs. Windows 11 works fine, as far as I can tell, but it’s . . . uggerly.
good heavens, I hope they can help you! Purrs for healing!