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Recent Comments

  1. about 13 years ago on Cul de Sac


  2. about 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    ..if you had seen either of the Sarah Palin’s up close and imbecile you might start understanding the bullet this country barely dodged…

  3. about 13 years ago on Reply All

    …shake, shake, shake. shake your frutie, you can do it!! (too cute)

  4. about 13 years ago on Li'l Abner

    ..fossdick – where’s my valiant fossdick when a peaceful solution is called for!!!!

  5. about 13 years ago on Last Kiss

    ..oh the foibles of a shallow gene pool. will they ever learn..

  6. about 13 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    ..oh – i thought he said he was ‘finnish’ – whatever that 86604791 that means!

  7. about 13 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    ..he’s electrifying!!!! – that’s all she needs is some mega wattage on ‘that’ complexion!!! meow!!!!

  8. about 13 years ago on The Barn

    ..he needs a hem…lock.

  9. about 13 years ago on Wizard of Id

    ..i thought that amendment had something to do with the right to a “bare aster”

  10. about 13 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    i mean CAB!!! baby CAB!!!!