No, Shannon is Toni’s niece, and Brad’s niece by marriage. Luann may be an honorary Aunt but that’s no reason why she should waste her time babysitting some stranger’s kid. Shannon’s father is never in the picture so to Luann Shannon is a stranger. Jonah should pay her rather than depending on the kindness of strangers.
Actually that sounds pretty typical of people in love. The jealousy, the flaunting of signs of affection, and so on. And the problem wasn’t just the Quill was looking towards a career but that he was leaving her in Pitt while he left to pursue his career. But also, and realistically, Greg had taken them to the break of having sex (and maybe beyond) Since this isn’t “For Better or Worse,” Quill had to be written out.
She is doing something interesting. When you put it that way this has been a productive arc but between Monday and Saturday that strips were kind of repetitive. And it remains to be see whether anything said on Saturday – coming to diner, bringing Phil, etc. will happen. A lot of things get promised in this strip that never happens.
There’s no room for Jonah to freeload there since Bernice is already freeloading in the only available room.