My language didn’t start getting all salty until I left home. My mom had all the uhm ‘glory’ in the house. My favorite of her more creative ones was “Jeezus keyriiist on a crutch!” I remember my friends in the car nearly dying the first time they heard it.
Friends in Lake Tahoe CA area are sending comparison pictures of snow this year and a years before. Not near what is usual. It is warm enough in daytime that the bears aren’t hibernating.
Loved Hydrox. Depending on where you live, you might find a cookie with the same taste. The Smart & Final near where I live sells a First Street brand Original Chocolate Sandwich Cookie distributed by Amerifoods Trading Co. Internet says stores in CA, NV, AZ and one in Portland OR.
I had a Staffy/Lab mix, he couldn’t destroy the kong. I had to quit putting peanut butter in it as he was rubbing his mouth raw trying to get every last bit. He still loved that thing without the PB.
Looked it up, and yes, there have been dogs that chewed a kong into pieces.
First thing that ran through my mind. ‘cept I add ’y’all’ ! With respect to my Cajun brother in law.