Me too. I love this strip and it’s the first of several comics that I look at every day. But I have to admit that Brad walking in and announcing that he spent exactly nothing on the gifts he gave surprised me. It’s something that I would have expected from fifteen year old Brad, but not from twenty something firefighter, good to his niece, responsible loving husband, and ready to be a daddy Brad.
Amen! Still, T shirts that didn’t cost him anything, and he TOLD them that? It’s hard to believe that Brad, a remarkable man, all things considered, could be that ignorant! And do you see the look on Toni’s face? “Wait till we get home, buster!”
Personally, I think that Tiffany is better looking than Stef right now. Maybe because Stef is so mean and obnoxious, and that makes her less attractive. But Stef can’t stand the fact that someone with a less than perfect body might steal Kip away from her.
Though he may not have a commercial license, have you driven a school bus lately? It would take a guy like this to keep those kids in line. Personally, I like him, and I would hire him.
The mac & cheese is your milk and carbs. The weenies are your meat. Add some broccoli and you have a perfectly balanced diet.