Me duff

foosie Free

67 year old NYC spinster

Recent Comments

  1. almost 6 years ago on The Argyle Sweater


  2. almost 6 years ago on Half Full

    Thanks. I did that already!

  3. almost 6 years ago on Half Full

    how can you delete the screen time app? There is no icon for it on my iPad

  4. about 7 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    Remember when comics used to be funny?

  5. over 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    They just moved last week; how can stuff get under the sofa so quickly?

  6. almost 8 years ago on Truth Facts

    This is my problem but I only have a hardwired phone.

  7. about 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Even if we have a rerun of something from less than a month ago, it’s better than that boring soap opera; wowser, that’s dull.

  8. over 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    This whole plot is neither interesting nor funny

  9. over 10 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    sewn, surely, not sewed.

  10. almost 11 years ago on Speechless

    Looks inspired by Eddie Izzard who had Noah be Sean Connery and put all the animals with long ears on deck so they could flap in the wind.