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Recent Comments

  1. over 12 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    ````` (With apologies to Roger Zelazny, and in homage to his groundbreaking classic “Lord of Light,”) I dub thee “Mahabukiatman,” or “Great-Souled Bucky.”

  2. over 12 years ago on F Minus

    ````` Shouldn’t Dr. Hookins be masked?

  3. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    ````` I was Armorer of an active duty Army Field Artillery unit 1977-79, & confess I TOTALLY identify with coming to love beautifully made, effective, efficient machines for what they are, while mentally diviorcing them from what they do. My M203 40mm grenade launchers and Browning M2 .50-cal HB machineguns were MY BABIES, so much so that I got irationally angry if they were mistreated by the guys who acutally USED them. And I could hardly bear the thought of somebody ever getting actually shot with them.

  4. over 12 years ago on Buni


    ` I’ve lived in this house 17 years, & trained a squirrel back early on to come take a peanut from my fingers. Now her g’-g’-g’-great—grand-daughters bring their little babies to the door, once they’re old enough to leave the nest, to “introduce” them to me, and they all get peanuts. One particularly bold little guy even “knocks” politely on the screendoor if I don’t come out early enough in the day to suit him. Point being, not all squirrels are vermin; some are great to have around.``Oh, good strip today, too.