Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped

Call me Ishmael Free

“What are the odds ?” “A fellow of infinite jest “/ Is no different from all the rest./ And I can attest/ That he’s not at his best/ when you saw a hole in his chest. Elderly, all too easily-amused, “leftish”. The earthly remains of a “fitness buff”, still trying to defy time and gravity. BIG fan of Joe Biden. Trump was a world-historical disaster. But you knew that…

Recent Comments

  1. 7 minutes ago on That is Priceless

    Tomorrow there’ll be “Instacarrot”

  2. 11 minutes ago on That is Priceless

    Perhaps he could make it to Cuba/

    Where he might could afford a tuba ?

  3. 13 minutes ago on That is Priceless

    But by indecision he’s torn/

    Since even before he was born/

    He hoped he might get/

    A nice clarinet/

    (He could never afford a French horn..

  4. 18 minutes ago on That is Priceless

    He “walks in beauty, like the night/of cloudless climes and starry skies”…

  5. 29 minutes ago on Jack Ohman

    You saw Roberts in action “presiding “ in Trump’s Senate impeachment. He could have intervened- maybe even tried to direct a verdict. He did crossword puzzles instead. Roberts is safe – but Adam Schiff is in peril. What a country…

  6. about 1 hour ago on Jack Ohman

    Not to mention yachts, trailers, and all the accoutrements of extreme wealth. Money always wins .

  7. about 1 hour ago on Jack Ohman

    This “court” is a product of ONE Senator from one of the most backward states in the union – Mitch McConnell. It’s a thoroughly politicized house of prostitution.. Now it’s trying to protect the First National Traitor, it’s mission of destruction nearing completion. Putin is watching his masterful manipulation of fat, stupid “Hamerica” come to fruition.

  8. about 2 hours ago on Luann

    Soporific arc. Needs to be put out of its misery.

  9. about 2 hours ago on That is Priceless

    Typo: “ BUT” the heart of his small enterprise”..

  10. about 2 hours ago on That is Priceless

    He also sells six kind of squash/

    to residents regarded as posh /

    who loll in cabanas/

    While they nosh his bananas/

    (Though his claim of “organic” won’t wash) ///

    what the heart of his small enterprise/

    is difficult to disguise/

    it’s his donkey – who shares/

    his woes and his cares/

    But whose major concern is the flies.