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All done to the tune of “Thriller.”
Just another reason NOT to get one of those so-called “smart phones.” I would still have a ‘flip phone,’ if I could find one for Net-10. But, I guess I will have to make do, with my touch phone.
Should have called the dog in to the kitchen, a path would have cleared in no time.
Selfies: a sign of a narcissistic mind.
More families need a dining room like this. Fewer wars of the words would happen.
Selfies…a sure sign of a demented mind and denial.
It very well should be an automatic win for the plaintiffs.
Remember all those as favorites, except for the ‘Snorks.’
I get Sumatra from my supplier, grind my own, and then brew. If I could get Ethiopian Yurgochaffe, I would drink that.
Farmer Brothers is only expensive, not even close to being quality. It is below the low quality of Community coffee from the Louisiana region.
All done to the tune of “Thriller.”