I was in O from 1953-1971. … The mines, located underneath Lake Erie, harvest about 12,000 tons of salt every day. By Jacob DeSmitOn Whiskey Island, a large, cage-like hoist travels 1,800 feet beneath Lake Erie at a four-minute pace — a rapid trip that feels like a hellish eternity to an outsider. For Cargill (International Salt in my day) employees, the descent, which can reach a top speed of 500 feet per minute, is more akin to the mundane morning elevator ride, en route to one of Cleveland’s most unique workplaces: the underground mine, a cavernous world unto itself where the salt used to clear winter’s icy roads is harvested each day. … Excerpt from ClevelandMagazine 7-31-23 (The “cage” is called the skip. While traveling in its dark descent It was wise to use one’s hard hat to protect a body part other than the head else a goose was certain.)
Being wrong is mandatory.