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  1. 4 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Thanks, the heavy rain has started and it is getting windy. Storm is still on a latitude with Key West it will take awhile to come ashore, probably late this afternoon or tonight.

  2. 4 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    That was the Taylor County Sheriff in Perry FL which was where Helene came ashore. Man, I applaud him, blunt and to the point. Hopefully there will not be any casualness this time but alas there always are from people staying on the coast, trees falling on houses, CO poisoning, car accidents, even the occasional tornado, Well it is getting close, looks like the prediction of a Sarasota landfall is still being broadcast but I remember Charley, a last minute wobble put that storm into Cape Coral/Punt@ Gorda instead of Tampa St Pete and regardless of the landfall I think everyone in this regions is getting severe impacts, Good luck to all in FL. Take care y;all.

  3. 4 months ago on Luann

    We are still not sure Les has the hots for Tiff, he could have his eyes on Nancy, Maybe he has been watching “cougar” videos on the web and it planted an idea or 2. Perhaps Les starts humming or singing “Here’s to you Mrs Robinson” while he is working at the Fuse….. However, Oxford most certainly has the hots for Tiff and perhaps Kip could get those 2 together as he is chummy with Ox from their gridiron days.

  4. 4 months ago on Luann

    I always thought the only guy that Tiff and Luann both competed for was Aaron Hill and they both came up short as Aaron moved to Hawaii and only dated Diane doe awhile and some girl from Maine he met while on summer vacation before he left for Hawaii and subsequently got a new GF.

  5. 4 months ago on Cleats

    Why not, take off the shades and he/she could get away with any assortment of fouls or penalties without a flag or whistle.

  6. 4 months ago on The Academia Waltz

    Dang, Cutter John got hit by “friendly” fire…..

  7. 4 months ago on Luann Againn

    In 2024, Fogarty is an author and married to Ms. Phelps (now Mrs Fogarty) so I wonder if this is how their romance started.

  8. 4 months ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Dude looks like an extra from Boogie Nights.

  9. 4 months ago on FoxTrot Classics

    In college I worked for a department store, Maison Blanche. I got to chat with one of their marketing experts, they said they set price points on certain items via a “3 tier system”. Obviously they would set the high end, top shelf product at the highest price with a moderate mark-up. The cheapest, bargain product with the not so well known brand name was sold with a minimal mark up as its purpose was to draw the customer into the store, not pull a profit. The highest mark up (percentage wise to actual cost) was the mid range product as many would come to the store and look at the items and while they may not be able to afford the high end product (lets say a Sony TV) they do not want to get the low end product on sale (no name TV) so they settle for the middle priced item (in comparison to the Sony, say a Panasonic at the high end, Sanyo at the low end of the mid-ranged products). The TVs were the example the marketing guy used back in the late ’80s…..

  10. 4 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Also, another thing is, if you are not asked to evacuate, please do not. You will simply add to the tremendous traffic congestion already clogging the roads. The exceptions are if your house or condo was compromised by Helene but you are not in an evac zone, then please do. BTW, this is the first time I have heard on the news that local law enforcement is threatening to fine or even arrest businesses which stay open in the evac zones such as bars….. All the Publix Supermarkets closed at 3 in this area and surprise: all the Waffle Houses from Fort Myers to north of Tampa are closed to.. That is more telling of bad weather on the way then seeing dudes like Cantore or Mike Seidel show up in your area…..