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- almost 7 years ago on Nancy
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
This seems like an odd place to pick this up. Guy ran this arc a few weeks ago when he ran some history of the character. Since Andrews NcMeel Syndication distributes ‘Nancy’ and either owns or has a financial interest in GoComics, this may just be what they are doing for a re-boot. The party is essentially over. Everything’s been explained; the loose ends neatly tied; F&P are married, and as they said in the last panel yesterday, ‘everybody lived happily ever after’. They should have just ended it there. This isn’t like going back and re-reading a good book. My favorite list just got reduced by 1. Enjoy, everybody.
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
Hey. They got the ’Gower’s Diner’ sign right this time… Well, unless F&P are standing outside the diner…
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
Unless he’s planning on having Fritzi walk down the isle wearing a white bikini and flip-flops, I’d say the excitement is pretty much over… [now that I think about that bikini thing, tho…]
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
Only if I get to kiss the bride…
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
That’s a good point. I hadn’t thought about that alternative. If that were to be the case, makes me wonder how far back the re-boot would go. It would be too easy to confuse/alienate the current crop of readers by completely changing direction. But, from what I understand, the old movie action serials from the 30’s did it all the time. Episode 1 ends with the hero being thrown off a cliff, with no chance of survival. Episode 2 begins with a voice-over stating, “Having survived being thrown from the cliff, our hero catches…………” I suppose the new Nancy could begin her waking up and discovering it was all a dream. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened either. (Pamela Ewing’s year-long dream on Dallas, anyone?)
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
I’m guessing this is the end. Not sure a new artist would want to be saddled with the burden of continuing this arc. The strip would have to move into a whole new direction now that Fritzi is married. The basic ‘Nancy’ storyline, that has propelled this strip for so many years would require a whole new direction. Too many unnecessary back-stories were created to answer questions that were better left to the imagination of the reader. The strip, while cute, long ago lost its original flavor and began subtly weaving into its fabric the beliefs, opinions and personality of its artist. Having Fritzi marry Phil at the end is like TV series final episodes tying up loose ends. Personally, I hope it just ends.
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
Why drag this out. If there was ever an event that held as little mystery as to the outcome, this story arc is it. Now, what would really crack me up is in the last panel of the last day, Fritzi says ‘no’ and walks away laughing.
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
Actually, I don’t see a reboot with a new artist happening. He/She would be hampered by inheriting the strip after Gilchrist married off a main character and would be forced to continue that arc as a main premise of the strip. They may not be interested in moving the strip in that direction, so I’m guessing Gilchrist has pretty much ‘jumped the shark’ with Fritzi marrying Phil. Better off just letting it end.
almost 7 years ago
on Nancy
True, although I’m not sure the point. In 1925, Bushmiller took over the strip Fritzi Ritz from Larry Whittington (who started it in 1922). Busmiller introduced Fritzi’s niece Nancy into it in 1933. He then wrote it until his death. Had he wanted to create extra characters, or have marriage plans on mind for Phil & Fritzi, I suggest he had 50 years to make it happen. He never did. However, On January 2, 2018, Gilchrist announced that after 22 years, his last Nancy strip would be February 18, 2018 and that Fritzi would get married. So, there is no cliff-hanger. There is no “Who shot JR?”. This will be like the Sopranos. Say “I do” and cut to black.
[Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!] Wow. That’s your response? What a class act. I love how trolls sit behind keyboards, hidden by the cloak of invisibility the internet (allegedly) provides and just type whatever rude comments they wish absent any filter of manners or decorum. Enjoy your cats.