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  1. 6 days ago on Luann

    I know this comment comes two months too late, but considering Luann’s selfishness, how could Gunther—or any other guy, for that matter—ever want to be with her?

  2. 7 days ago on Luann

    Yes, Luann has always been attractive, but her low self-esteem gets in the way in how she sees herself. Hence, the ridiculous amounts of make-up she puts on.

  3. 7 days ago on Luann

    If it was really horrible, I wouldn’t have left the house to go to the airport, board a plane, make a connecting flight, and head on over here to the Aloha State!

  4. 13 days ago on Luann

    But no discipline.

  5. 14 days ago on Luann

    Exactly, and thank you for respecting your adult son’s/daughter’s decision.

  6. 14 days ago on Luann

    Sigh. . . This is an all-around pathetic situation. I thought Brad and Toni were nice people, but I was wrong. They are full-blown doormats who don’t ever say “no,” neither to Shannon nor Jonah. Their situation is what happens when you don’t say that simple two-letter word.

    You were right to include this as a Luann trope, the “hands-off parenting” one, though at this point, we should call it permissive, indulgent “parenting” that really isn’t parenting.

  7. 14 days ago on Luann

    Unless they’ve been forced into it by a priest or government, no couple anywhere—married or not—is obligated to have babies.

  8. 15 days ago on Luann

    I know. :( I’m watching The Shining—or at least part of it—tonight in her memory.

  9. 15 days ago on Luann

    Jonah, pay for a broken bed? What makes you think he’d do it? That would require responsibility, and he’s a master at evading it.

  10. 15 days ago on Luann

    A bunch of wimps they are.