Brood mare, someone said.Yuh – and that is old story line, that the guy finally gets his way, because that has long been the way the story goes. The Christian Ethic, after all.
I am surprised to see a few folks who share much of my views.I feel bad for the young, who will have to face the inevitable. Myself is 79 years and chances are great that I will not be here to say “I told you so”.
Large families made sense once. Consider the odds of survival, in past times.I was born and raised, some, in major farmland of North and South Dakotas. Folks wanted large family, hoped for boys to work the farm. Hoped for kids that might support in old age.If there were a god that said to populate the world, it has been over accomplished, long time since.There are myriad signs of overpopulation. Somali pirates is an example. Overpopulated China, and other countries overfished their waters, so local fishermen cannot make a living.Every day, more and more forests are being burned to make grazing land for cattle. I don’t know how long folks think that can go on.Cars and industry are poisoning the air, making the global warming, that the capitalistic greedy will deny to the end.Many seem to think that their god is going to fix everything, others believe that science is always going to make breakthroughs to feed more and more people, indefinitely.
The US, the world, is building an edifice that its foundation cannot support, for much longer.
People being, people, the lower intellects are going to always fight for their right to breed more people. There could be options, to work toward reducing population, to what can realistically be supported, or just keep building it to the higher it to the greater disaster of the inevitible collapse.
I am not finding Brad’s fantasy to be offensive. I am trying to think of a term for what is approaching that.I think of the old pointy head, before Toni. Different sort of creep.
Not a lot or folks seem to notice the message of them oblivious to the kid.Will they realize that they may not make such great parents?