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Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Mike du Jour

    I, too love this strip. I didn’t notice the lines either. Just keep being funny, Mike.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Mike Lester

    Proofread, Wily!

  3. about 2 hours ago on Mike Lester

    Can you give me even 1 qualification she has to become President? I’ll wait.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Mike Lester

    Can you admit that you are a biased, mindless, lying sack of s***?

  5. about 2 hours ago on Mike Lester

    Biden lost miserably. As for the lies; he did not inherit 9% inflation, and most of those jobs he says he created were comeback jobs from the shamdemic. He did; however, eliminate many jobs when he shut down the Keystone pipeline. Even the mainstream media have said Joe failed miserably.

  6. 2 days ago on Mike du Jour

    That’s just wrong. Journalists should always report all sides.

  7. 3 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    So he can shoot himself in the foot?

  8. 3 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    No. I think Lies and lawfare is accurate.

  9. 3 days ago on Crankshaft

    I want one that says "Skinny Cooks Can’t be Trusted.’

  10. 3 days ago on Mike Lester

    I like you, too.