
EarlP2 Free

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  1. over 4 years ago on Pickles

    Never have I seen a fir tree skiing —

  2. over 8 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Well said, Susan. And I don’t think your are the sort who would “go off” on someone who clearly means well, but sometimes gets it wrong. I have spent years trying to recognize the bits or prejudice (sometimes large ones) with which my mind was furnished early on. And just when I think I’m doing well, and getting it right, I trip over another piece of that old furniture — some odd baseless expectation of a person I have tagged with a label. We do need reminders, and some gentle grace as we all try to move beyond stereotypes and into real awareness and acceptance. Thanks for doing your part — spreading some genuine sunshine!

  3. almost 9 years ago on Pickles

    I would speculate that Earl was charming when he married into the family. The curmudgeon came later!

  4. almost 9 years ago on Pickles

    I believe that was written by Steve Stills of Crosby, Stills, and Nash, who also recorded it.

  5. almost 9 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    She’s telling IT, the toad frog, to go pee on Arlo, for making the same kind of fuss the debaters are making!

  6. almost 9 years ago on One Big Happy

    When I was young, it was always one of the teachers — probably whichever one drew the short straw that day!

  7. almost 9 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Never trust auto-correct or auto-complete! Transpose a couple letters, look back, and you may not even recognize your comment!

  8. almost 9 years ago on Pickles

    “Amazon is very likely the only thing that is keeping USPS from bankruptcy.”

    Seems to me most Amazon orders are being delivered by the other guy — in the brown truck!

  9. almost 9 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Seems like much of what they call history now, some of us covered in “current events”!

  10. almost 9 years ago on Pickles

    I’d read that — I’m still a kid, been a kid for 75 years and don’t plan to give it up.