
LordGrey Free

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  1. about 10 years ago on Endtown

    Seems beside the attidude problem they also have a resource problem.They’re soo doomed.

  2. over 10 years ago on Endtown

    You meant sentient? If they still think this after Wally’s speach I doubt their sentience… and intelligence!We live all under the same sky, but that doesn’t mean we have the same horizont.

  3. over 10 years ago on Endtown

    Of course there are limits. Regeneration ends if you’re dead. Any severe injury that kills you before you can heal, well, ends regeneration. We had deads in the riot. A bullet might do the job. It’s not invulnerability, just faster regeneration. And not that astonishly fast if you take a look at the regeneration ability of a child.

  4. almost 11 years ago on Endtown

    Holly snaped. Totaly lost it.

  5. about 11 years ago on Endtown

    Hm, I think there is an emergency purge System to move possible threats to the surface as fast as possible. This would be very fitting to explosives, more than to a threat by gun.And as it is with emergency Systems, they’re easy and fast to operate.

  6. about 11 years ago on Endtown

    “Closet Topsider”, like that :-D

  7. about 11 years ago on Endtown

    And so it begins. The anonymous Jury System would at least prevent battles between different followers of politicians. Still wonder how the system was manipulated to break down.

  8. about 11 years ago on Endtown

    Or Maud got resolute about no longer make a secret out of using Mutant byproducts and going to proclaim the rightfulness of it. Would prefere this over Topsider resentment.

  9. over 11 years ago on Endtown

    What came to my mind about leading the troops:

    Princes in the Line

    Words and Music: Tom Lewis ©2006

    The heir to England’s throne stood proud, before a wall in France, “Once more unto the breach, dear friends!”; he bid the troops advance, His armour, and his honour, bright; all men could see them shine, So they followed to the battle for their prince was in the line.

    When Charles’s cavaliers were called to muster for the king, The monarch’s only nephew heard the call to duty ring, Foremost in the fighting rode Rupert Of The Rhine, There was honour in the battle when a prince was in the line.

    Chorus: (But/For) the children of our rulers will not join the fight today, (and) Kings of Commerce never send their sons into the fray, The children of the poor will fight the wars that they design, But what honour’s in the battle with no princes in the line?

    The South Pacific blazed, and rang with Freedom’s fire-alarm, The name of ‘old Joe’ Kennedy could keep his sons from harm, But the Navy needed brave young men; this was the place and time, So a Once-And-Future President stepped up into the line.


    A bitter South Atlantic wind blew over icy sea, The Queen of England’s son flew out to face the enemy, As target for the missiles, to protect the fleet so fine. This argument’s not: ‘Right or wrong?’ – but: ‘Princes in the line?’


    Prime Ministers and Presidents take us to war with lies, In parliament and congress they wear flags for their disguise, Their kids wear trendy camouflage while sipping vintage wine, But they will not wear the uniform, and step into the line.

    Chorus: For the children of our rulers will not join the fight today, (and) Kings of Commerce never send their sons into the fray, The children of the poor will fight the wars that they design, But what honour’s in the battle with no princes in the line? But what honour’s in the battle with no princes in the line? If there was honour in the battle… there’d be princes in the line.


  10. over 11 years ago on Endtown

    The greater good, is a philosophically concept, that is misused by politics that have no real understanding of it. But as most people don’t have, it’s good for selling crap that no one, right in his mind, would accept. Simmiliar to God.Sadly, Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.(Henry Ford)