Grey justice

SKJAM! Premium

Reviewer of popular culture at SKJAM! Reviews

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    Try looking for SKJAM! Reviews and Tuesdays with Morrie.

  2. 3 days ago on Doonesbury

    For more on “Tuesdays with Morrie” see my review here: >

  3. 11 days ago on ViewsAmerica

    Time runs out for us all. Perhaps Biden will get lucky and survive long enough to see the next president take the oath of office. Perhaps not. Still better than the other major alternative.

  4. 12 days ago on CowTown

    I am given to understand that they’re called “aloha shirts” now.

  5. 14 days ago on Clay Bennett

    The other fella would deliberately steer towards the cliff, but it’s still a great joke.

  6. 19 days ago on Clay Jones

    Note that because of how UK elections work, it’s exactly the down-ballot Labour candidates that got Starmer into office.

  7. 23 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Yes, and admittedly much like us it’s a choice between a party that has shown its willingness to force the nation down the sinkhole….and one people have a lot of trouble getting enthusiastic about.

  8. 23 days ago on Bad Machinery


  9. 23 days ago on Lio

    Two years until the 250th anniversary. Will we get some big celebration?

  10. 24 days ago on Tarzan

    Guard saw him defending the kid and realizes that Tarzan is one of those “honorable” assassins or maybe not even an assassin at all.