The Manhattan Projects is a science fiction comic book series co-created by writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Nick Pitarra published by Image Comics. The premise is an alternate history near the end of World War II in which the Manhattan Project was a front for other more esoteric science fiction ideas. Joesph Oppenheimer kills and eats his brother and things get a little crazy…
Remember that time Trump held a lottery to raise money for himself? He offered the winners a great prize : dinner with Donald Trump. Well, Cadet Bonespurs took the money, but somehow failed to actually sit down with the ‘winner.’
It’s like when he didn’t pardon any of the people arrested on January 6, but did pardon a bunch of rich thugs.
It’s not that Donnie doesn’t care about you, he actively despises you.
I had to rent a Jeep Wagoneer for the Labor Day festivities. I wanted a medal for just driving that behemoth. At least in a truck you’re sitting high and have really big mirrors.
[nerd alert] The reason they gave the Invisible Girl [now Woman] her force field powers was that the writers ran out of ideas. You can only have her sneak past the guards and then get caught so many times…
Most people have wildly inaccurate ideas about how much money goes to what programs.
I would love for all my dollars to go to NASA
Also, if we actually fully funded the IRS the current tax laws would bring in billions from rich folks who know they aren’t going to be audited on a regular basis. If I recall correctly, the IRS makes something like $10.00 for every dollar it gets in funding
[nerd alert]
The Manhattan Projects is a science fiction comic book series co-created by writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Nick Pitarra published by Image Comics. The premise is an alternate history near the end of World War II in which the Manhattan Project was a front for other more esoteric science fiction ideas. Joesph Oppenheimer kills and eats his brother and things get a little crazy…