1968d0a4 637e 4030 90bd e88b8da5572d

darcyandsimon Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    The ostrich.

  2. about 5 hours ago on Baldo

    Now he’s figuring this out?!

  3. about 5 hours ago on Broom Hilda

    Great way to (potentially) get Nerwin to eat his vegetables!

  4. about 5 hours ago on Mexikid Stories

    Thanks, Sr. Martin!

  5. about 5 hours ago on Mexikid Stories

    <snort!>. I never could do even one. ‘Course, we females were pretty darned weak, as a rule…butcha know, I don’t think I’ve ever been called on to do one!

  6. about 5 hours ago on Mexikid Stories

    Oof!!! Go, Pedro!

  7. about 5 hours ago on Fred Basset

    It’s like golf. You do it for the fresh air!

  8. about 5 hours ago on Fred Basset

    There’s no accounting for GC. As someone who doesn’t pay to read these, I can’t complain that they’re not the best at some things. GC “notified” me about a year-old post the other day (and I didn’t see a new comment on it anywhere…)

  9. about 5 hours ago on FurBabies

    “oh, yeah, I’m on my educational site here…” (but of course you’re right!)

  10. about 5 hours ago on Ten Cats

    Posted on the wrong strip, no doubt. I’ve done that myself!