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- about 1 month ago on Arlo and Janis
about 1 month ago
on Arlo and Janis
For most of her laundry, I don’t put it away. I just hang it on the rod next to the dryer. I can’t begin to guess her system of organization. She has too much stuff. We share a closet (an old bedroom converted to a laundry/closet). I am relegated to a about 10% of the space.
about 2 months ago
on Arlo and Janis
The manufacturer “improved” the product to use the newest technology. In most cases, the newer design does not last as long as the old one. And it costs less to make. They don’t make as much money if you don’t have to replace your old one. “Planned obsolescence”?
about 2 months ago
on Arlo and Janis
I stop at the store to buy. My wife goes to the store to shop.
about 2 months ago
on Arlo and Janis
Our cats like to stay outside on summer nights. When it gets cold, they will got out for a short while, but they are happy to be confined to the back room while we sleep.
about 2 months ago
on Arlo and Janis
All the talk about the “Biden Crime Family” is deflection, as usual. The House investigated and found nothing to prosecute.
about 2 months ago
on Arlo and Janis
Well, I guess it depends on your point of view. You would have to be blind or you get your information from Faux News to believe anything the orange man says. He is has been a grifter for a long time and he is a convicted criminal, and a wannabe dictator because doesn’t know how to govern. He never admits any mistakes or wrongdoing, although it is obvious to anyone with eyes. Then, he whines that he is the victim, the poor, entitled rich and powerful businessman. Give me a break!
3 months ago
on Arlo and Janis
When I was a kid, my mom decorated the tree pretty much the same each year. She was certainly a creature of habit. All the ornaments were the glass globe type. They were stored in a worn old vacuum cleaner box in the top of the closet until Christmas time came around again.On our tree, my wife uses all different types of ornaments. They all have some special memory attached to them, like made by one of the kids or a photo of one of the grandkids or some “cute” trinket. We buy a new one every year, usually during our travels, to commemorate the place or event. Somehow, she remembers when and where we got each one. My mind is unable to retain such things for long.
10 months ago
on Arlo and Janis
Not to keep the argument going, but the cost of insurance was going up before Obama took office and before the ACA was passed. I remember sitting in an insurance open-enrollment period meeting at work sometime around 2006. (I forget exactly when, but it was deep into W’s admin.) I remember they were telling us that our insurance cost are going to be higher and they showed a graph of insurance costs over time and the graph showed a steep climb after W took office. I also remember that they never showed that graph again. I suspect our conservative business management knew that it reflected poorly on their preferred party. I blame the gradual and continual increase in insurance cost on the monopolies in the healthcare industry and control by the investor class. The wealthy have attained so much political power that the government won’t do anything to reign it in. It is all a big racket!
over 7 years ago
on Arlo and Janis
I’m with Arlo on this one. Most recently, we went on an 8-night cruise. We had a great time, but I slept very poorly. I couldn’t wait to get back to my own bed.
The “Redskins” don’t exist anymore. They changed their name to the “Commanders” out of deference to the Native American community where the the name was considered offensive. I know some white people who don’t follow the team anymore because they are offended by the name change, as if they should have a say. As for the Commanders, they weren’t good enough to beat the Eagles. Go Chiefs!