Anotherme 1

Alicia1955 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on The Born Loser

    Apparently, he can’t do the incredibly simply task of washing a spoon. It takes about 30 seconds to wash a spoon.

  2. about 12 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If you are more than 50 years old, you were in high school during the `70s. Actually, I am way more than 50 and I don’t remember a band named “Men At Work” or rather, I know the name, but have no idea what any of their songs were.If you know this band you are probably between 45 and 55 years old.

  3. 4 days ago on Brevity

    Female lions do the hunting, male lions just eat it.

  4. 7 days ago on Bound and Gagged

    It is pretty sad whan a surgeon produces a patients bill BEFORE he finishes the surgery!

  5. 8 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    In my world, your devices remember it for you. Unless you buy a new device to watch it on, you don’t need to remember your password.

  6. 8 days ago on Bottom Liners

    Fox News will only make the TDS worse.What he needs is PBS, NPR, MSNBC, and other liberal media.

  7. 23 days ago on Pickles

    The response should not have been “I’m” but “No”. “I’m” has the same number of characters, it is only lacking the space. “No” has fewer characters.

  8. about 1 month ago on B.C.

    Petroleum comes from plants that died a couple hundred million years before the dinosaurs. We have known this for more than 50 years. I think comic strip authors should have figured this out by now.

    This is no longer amusing.

  9. about 1 month ago on Adam@Home

    That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers its GROUNDHOG DAY

  10. about 1 month ago on Adam@Home

    The vernal equinox, the official start of spring, in 2025, is 6 weeks and 4 days from Groundhog day.

    Someone might tell Clayton that an alternate name for Groundhog is Woodchuck.