“In books and on the silver screen, the contents of a witch’s brew always sound a bit grotesque. Turns out witches have their own secret code to deter mere mortals from the practice of witchcraft.” belchonock/Thinkstock
I’ve been making wilted spinach dishes. Eating raw spinach isn’t that good for getting vitamins A and E as well as iron. Wilting the spinach breaks down the cell walls and also allows the oxalic acid to wash away.
Birds can’t digest wheat products, so they will fill up and not get the nutrients they need… perhaps BC is actually getting this one ready for the oven…
I recently saw a few people feeding bread to our local ducks, and told them I’d heard that wasn’t good for them. When asked what was better, I said I’d heard of people feeding them corn, but suggested they look it up. Thank you for sharing the information behind this!
I figure Blanche deserves some points for putting up with him!