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  1. about 1 month ago on Gil Thorp

    And should we clap for him so he’ll rate our record high?

  2. about 2 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Too predictable. Rod goes to the snack stand – the three dufuses (sp) from the other day see him, words are exchanged, and Rod loses it on them.

  3. over 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    Posting an article on Gil Thorp which appeared in the Chicago Tribune today. https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-ent-gil-thorp-turns-65-kogan-0625-20230621-ywjt5xmxn5etre6ayoxcqtmvp4-story.html

  4. over 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    Plus George has a ring from the ‘72 A’s.

  5. almost 3 years ago on Gil Thorp

    Glad to see Kevin Bacon make an appearance in P1 with his “wearing a tie to school” apparel, doing some Footloose high fives with Hollis.

  6. almost 3 years ago on Gil Thorp

    The rock band Styx followed soon thereafter.

  7. almost 3 years ago on Gil Thorp

    Many years ago, I attended a summer sports camp in Portland, OR, which is the hometown of former NFL great Mel Renfro of the Dallas Cowboys. His nephew attended the same camp, and, as it would be, his name was Dallas Renfro. As an 11-year-old at the time, I thought Dallas was pretty talented. But never heard his name again after. Always wondered how he turned out in the sports world.

  8. about 3 years ago on Gil Thorp

    Wow. No lol’s, smiley faces or the like in that statement, which leads me to believe that lordy boy here has had his sky hook blocked a few times. Keep the comments coming snarkers, I look forward to them everyday of my real life.

  9. about 3 years ago on Gil Thorp

    Uh – oh! Milford in a romp and Gil wants to sit down Chance. I smell a “Boobie Miles” situation coming.

  10. about 3 years ago on Gil Thorp

    I wonder if the newspaper “I wish she had more experience” editor will hire her now.